Katie of KP Studio (2 min Read)

What's your life motto?
Buy Less, Cherish More.
What have you learnt so far?
Oh so much, I feel like I’m always learning. Being more creative than business minded, I’ve learnt the most about what actually goes into running a small business (and list making). But definitely the most lessons come from my mistakes!
Where is your favourite place?
The beach, you can’t beat getting that fresh sea air in the lungs!
Name your three favourite words?
It's your magic!
What do you think makes a good company?
One that's passionate. Selling and stocking products that they both love and believe in. Business’s need to have a conscience nowadays, not just an on trend item.
Can you describe your workplace?
My studio is in the spare room if you can believe it! I moved house during the first lockdown so created a set up to pursue my practice from home. I share the space with my talented boyfriend, who is a designer, he has his desk and then the rest of the room is mine. Oh and not forgetting our new addition Oki, our wild lurcher pup! The space is small but perfectly formed, and more importantly, it is all mine to really immerse myself into all things KP.
What is your favourite food?
Im obsessed with Dates!
What can you not live without?
My Kiln! I love her, still cant believe I have my very own. Without her my practice wouldn’t be where it is today, so thank you kiln.
What is the last thing you bought?
I treated myself to the dreamiest of pure wool jumper by Babaa, made from 100% natural non-dyed wool. (Though Oki pulled a stitch the day I got it!)
What advice would you give to the younger generation?
Find what you love and work to do just that. Be Kind, Smile :) Cherish your friends and family.
Proudest moment?
Investing in myself and taking the plunge to start up my own studio space.
What’s next?
I'm working on some exciting new pieces, exploring forms, colours and textures.
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